Friday, April 22, 2011


Vomited like 3 times last night. That's explain why i'm feeling unwell today. Alcohol, my best companion ever.

When you're in love, you can't fall asleep,because reality is better than your dreams. But for my case, it's called insomnia. I tired, i sad, i cry, i sick. Might as well, i die. No matter how hard i try to control myself, the tears just tend to roll down by themselves.

I feel so hurt and miserable. it's all because of you. One moment was like heaven, and the next,hell. I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at, or the skinniest waist for you to hold, but i always have the biggest heart to love you with. I really do. But since though, why are you hurting me? Why why why?

The thought of bringing you to somewhere very picturesque,
The thought of admiring the night view from the top of a hill with you,
The thought of saving and buying something that you really like.
The thoughts of everything I have in mind,you don't even know half of it. But yeah, it is not important now because those thoughts have completely vanished.

I need another story,something to get off my chest.

Tired of everything,
my heart is broken
all i do is cry

Please, end this suffering

My eyes are tired, they were both swollen, it's time for them to rest :(

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