Sunday, April 24, 2011


试着用左手握住右手,给了自己最简单的温暖, 不会再奢求别人的给予,开始学着自己给自己。爱上一个人并不可怕, 怕的是一发不可收拾,分手了并不可怕,怕的是还放不下。有些心事只能自言自语,有些秘密只能讲给朋友,有些痛苦只能默默承受,自己还是要靠自己拯救。


我记得你的手掌是温暖的,你曾说爱我。我们兜兜转转走了这么久又回到了这里, 我们曾执手说好的甜蜜誓言被你敲碎了。我也学会了淡忘

但我爱你, 爱了整整一个曾经。

Friday, April 22, 2011


Vomited like 3 times last night. That's explain why i'm feeling unwell today. Alcohol, my best companion ever.

When you're in love, you can't fall asleep,because reality is better than your dreams. But for my case, it's called insomnia. I tired, i sad, i cry, i sick. Might as well, i die. No matter how hard i try to control myself, the tears just tend to roll down by themselves.

I feel so hurt and miserable. it's all because of you. One moment was like heaven, and the next,hell. I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at, or the skinniest waist for you to hold, but i always have the biggest heart to love you with. I really do. But since though, why are you hurting me? Why why why?

The thought of bringing you to somewhere very picturesque,
The thought of admiring the night view from the top of a hill with you,
The thought of saving and buying something that you really like.
The thoughts of everything I have in mind,you don't even know half of it. But yeah, it is not important now because those thoughts have completely vanished.

I need another story,something to get off my chest.

Tired of everything,
my heart is broken
all i do is cry

Please, end this suffering

My eyes are tired, they were both swollen, it's time for them to rest :(

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things never get better

It's all about ups and down. You're just killing me softly. A speechless me just walk alone in the night because there is nothing much i can do. I know what's going on and you're making me like a fool.

And so, I came across a song just now. I can't help but think what if, what if. I'm aware of how much things have changed compared to the past. I'm always hoping that everything will be good all over again. I know it's tough. Because it's all so different now. The things I've decided on, there is a very rare chance on me going back on it. Sometimes yeah, I do get the feeling. The feeling where you feel really insecure, thinking if you would regret doing the things you did.

Behind a person's smile, a person's laughter, a person's joy - there could be more pain than imagined. Don't be surprised someone unexpected will just break down out of nowhere. You don't know where they're from, how they have lived their life. They're human also - with fears; with reasons to cry. "

Go ahead, spending time chit-chatting/msn/text with girls where you always told me that you're busy with your stuff. So yeah your stuff are the girls. You spent almost all the time to chat with her, but you've got no time for your gf. It's late at night yet i'm going home alone. Boarding bus and walking on the corridor with fear and tears where there are cockroaches all over. It feels like you cut me wide open, watched me bleed bit by bit, and left me to die there alone. I know that you won't be seeing this. But, this is for you, for the answer that you could not find in me today.

You know how much I appreciate you. But some things are better left unsaid.
