试着用左手握住右手,给了自己最简单的温暖, 不会再奢求别人的给予,开始学着自己给自己。爱上一个人并不可怕, 怕的是一发不可收拾,分手了并不可怕,怕的是还放不下。有些心事只能自言自语,有些秘密只能讲给朋友,有些痛苦只能默默承受,自己还是要靠自己拯救。
我记得你的手掌是温暖的,你曾说爱我。我们兜兜转转走了这么久又回到了这里, 我们曾执手说好的甜蜜誓言被你敲碎了。我也学会了淡忘
但我爱你, 爱了整整一个曾经。
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Vomited like 3 times last night. That's explain why i'm feeling unwell today. Alcohol, my best companion ever.
When you're in love, you can't fall asleep,because reality is better than your dreams. But for my case, it's called insomnia. I tired, i sad, i cry, i sick. Might as well, i die. No matter how hard i try to control myself, the tears just tend to roll down by themselves.
I feel so hurt and miserable. it's all because of you. One moment was like heaven, and the next,hell. I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at, or the skinniest waist for you to hold, but i always have the biggest heart to love you with. I really do. But since though, why are you hurting me? Why why why?
The thought of bringing you to somewhere very picturesque,
The thought of admiring the night view from the top of a hill with you,
The thought of saving and buying something that you really like.
The thoughts of everything I have in mind,you don't even know half of it. But yeah, it is not important now because those thoughts have completely vanished.
I need another story,something to get off my chest.
Tired of everything,
my heart is broken
all i do is cry
Please, end this suffering
My eyes are tired, they were both swollen, it's time for them to rest :(
When you're in love, you can't fall asleep,because reality is better than your dreams. But for my case, it's called insomnia. I tired, i sad, i cry, i sick. Might as well, i die. No matter how hard i try to control myself, the tears just tend to roll down by themselves.
I feel so hurt and miserable. it's all because of you. One moment was like heaven, and the next,hell. I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at, or the skinniest waist for you to hold, but i always have the biggest heart to love you with. I really do. But since though, why are you hurting me? Why why why?
The thought of bringing you to somewhere very picturesque,
The thought of admiring the night view from the top of a hill with you,
The thought of saving and buying something that you really like.
The thoughts of everything I have in mind,you don't even know half of it. But yeah, it is not important now because those thoughts have completely vanished.
I need another story,something to get off my chest.
Tired of everything,
my heart is broken
all i do is cry
Please, end this suffering
My eyes are tired, they were both swollen, it's time for them to rest :(
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Things never get better
It's all about ups and down. You're just killing me softly. A speechless me just walk alone in the night because there is nothing much i can do. I know what's going on and you're making me like a fool.
And so, I came across a song just now. I can't help but think what if, what if. I'm aware of how much things have changed compared to the past. I'm always hoping that everything will be good all over again. I know it's tough. Because it's all so different now. The things I've decided on, there is a very rare chance on me going back on it. Sometimes yeah, I do get the feeling. The feeling where you feel really insecure, thinking if you would regret doing the things you did.
Behind a person's smile, a person's laughter, a person's joy - there could be more pain than imagined. Don't be surprised someone unexpected will just break down out of nowhere. You don't know where they're from, how they have lived their life. They're human also - with fears; with reasons to cry. "
Go ahead, spending time chit-chatting/msn/text with girls where you always told me that you're busy with your stuff. So yeah your stuff are the girls. You spent almost all the time to chat with her, but you've got no time for your gf. It's late at night yet i'm going home alone. Boarding bus and walking on the corridor with fear and tears where there are cockroaches all over. It feels like you cut me wide open, watched me bleed bit by bit, and left me to die there alone. I know that you won't be seeing this. But, this is for you, for the answer that you could not find in me today.
You know how much I appreciate you. But some things are better left unsaid.
And so, I came across a song just now. I can't help but think what if, what if. I'm aware of how much things have changed compared to the past. I'm always hoping that everything will be good all over again. I know it's tough. Because it's all so different now. The things I've decided on, there is a very rare chance on me going back on it. Sometimes yeah, I do get the feeling. The feeling where you feel really insecure, thinking if you would regret doing the things you did.
Behind a person's smile, a person's laughter, a person's joy - there could be more pain than imagined. Don't be surprised someone unexpected will just break down out of nowhere. You don't know where they're from, how they have lived their life. They're human also - with fears; with reasons to cry. "
Go ahead, spending time chit-chatting/msn/text with girls where you always told me that you're busy with your stuff. So yeah your stuff are the girls. You spent almost all the time to chat with her, but you've got no time for your gf. It's late at night yet i'm going home alone. Boarding bus and walking on the corridor with fear and tears where there are cockroaches all over. It feels like you cut me wide open, watched me bleed bit by bit, and left me to die there alone. I know that you won't be seeing this. But, this is for you, for the answer that you could not find in me today.
You know how much I appreciate you. But some things are better left unsaid.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
我很累 一直没有人能够懂我 我很不开心 就连最亲密的你也不懂
我可以很开心的和每个人说话 可以很放肆
可是没有人知道那不过是伪装 很刻意的伪装
可是却找不到快乐的源泉 只会让自己傻笑
不习惯把事跟别人说 因为我不习惯别人用可怜的眼光看我
只是爱你的压力让我善于遗忘 把那些记忆通通遗忘
黑夜来袭 周围的空气很躁
一个人坐在窗前 对着窗外的租屋发呆
怀念过去 仅此而已
即使心里有好多事 我也宁愿憋在心里
不是我不愿说 而是我疲惫了 最多也只能写写部落格
就算说出来也改变不了什么 换来的只是泪水与寂寞
我不再喜欢追逐打闹 却很想和以前一样活蹦乱跳 开怀大笑
我沉默的不再爱说话 却很想找你倾诉所有
我喜欢在很静很静的黑夜 关了灯让寂寞把我包裹 但却又害怕黑暗
你对我的爱 保存期限到底有多久 截至日期到底是何时
以前的我常常为你掉泪 不知什么时候开始我已不再为你流泪
而今天不争气的我 脸上又挂着两行咸咸的泪水
我讨厌你对我的不谅解 讨厌我不是你唯一一个可以倾诉心事的对象
我输了 哪一天我心脏负荷不了 就是我离开的时候
心很痛很痛 我连你一个朋友都比不上 就连你要回国也不想让我知道
你的点点滴滴我什么都不懂 我很努力很努力想给你快乐
但是换来的只有不开心 原来
我可以很开心的和每个人说话 可以很放肆
可是没有人知道那不过是伪装 很刻意的伪装
可是却找不到快乐的源泉 只会让自己傻笑
不习惯把事跟别人说 因为我不习惯别人用可怜的眼光看我
只是爱你的压力让我善于遗忘 把那些记忆通通遗忘
黑夜来袭 周围的空气很躁
一个人坐在窗前 对着窗外的租屋发呆
怀念过去 仅此而已
即使心里有好多事 我也宁愿憋在心里
不是我不愿说 而是我疲惫了 最多也只能写写部落格
就算说出来也改变不了什么 换来的只是泪水与寂寞
我不再喜欢追逐打闹 却很想和以前一样活蹦乱跳 开怀大笑
我沉默的不再爱说话 却很想找你倾诉所有
我喜欢在很静很静的黑夜 关了灯让寂寞把我包裹 但却又害怕黑暗
你对我的爱 保存期限到底有多久 截至日期到底是何时
以前的我常常为你掉泪 不知什么时候开始我已不再为你流泪
而今天不争气的我 脸上又挂着两行咸咸的泪水
我讨厌你对我的不谅解 讨厌我不是你唯一一个可以倾诉心事的对象
我输了 哪一天我心脏负荷不了 就是我离开的时候
心很痛很痛 我连你一个朋友都比不上 就连你要回国也不想让我知道
你的点点滴滴我什么都不懂 我很努力很努力想给你快乐
但是换来的只有不开心 原来
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
范瑋琪-Love & FanFan 最重要的決定 MV
我願意 每天在你身邊甦醒
就連吵架也很過癮 不會冷冰
因為真愛沒有輸贏 只有親密
我願意 打破對未知的恐懼
就算流淚也能放晴 將心比心
因為幸福沒有捷徑 只有經營
我願意 每天在你身邊甦醒
就連吵架也很過癮 不會冷冰
因為真愛沒有輸贏 只有親密
我願意 打破對未知的恐懼
就算流淚也能放晴 將心比心
因為幸福沒有捷徑 只有經營
幸福的一对- 祝福范范与黑人
Monday, March 21, 2011
A dilemma
Picture speaks thousand words, best phrase of the night. Treasure someone means a lot to you, bad things happen but love always there. Use your heart to judge when you don't believe your eyes anymore.
Everyone will find their love, just the matter of time. Don't believe in love? Nothing to do with me. Well....Nowadays...
Everyone will find their love, just the matter of time. Don't believe in love? Nothing to do with me. Well....Nowadays...
I see no light, it is all darkness.
I see no hope, it is all dissapointment.
I see myself, the game is still on.
Trying to make things better, eventually it is a failure. I live myself in the past, get to know the future, but it is just too unpredictable. Life is hard, yet i survive. Love in uneasy, yet i agree on that. Human is special, as everyone have their own thinking. The word from you, the rest is just like a knife stab on my heart, it is not pain but bleeding. I care as i should not care. Why I care? I have no idea.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Freaky Saturday
Finally i was back to this lovely place, my home. I'm totally exhausted lately due to tonnes of assignments and also the attack of sinus, cough and fever. I hope all of these leave me as soon as possible.
My nephews, Jayven was here for the entire weekend & his 3 month old brother, Cayven. Well representative of kids, laughs & cries are what you get to hear for the entire day.
This is little Jayven
Guess what is he doing? Kissing his uncle (my bro) in the picture :D
Deeply in love
More pics of him...
Finally a better one :)
The only pic of baby Cayven =)
Signing off
My nephews, Jayven was here for the entire weekend & his 3 month old brother, Cayven. Well representative of kids, laughs & cries are what you get to hear for the entire day.
This is little Jayven
Guess what is he doing? Kissing his uncle (my bro) in the picture :D
Deeply in love
More pics of him...
Finally a better one :)
The only pic of baby Cayven =)
I'm gonna end my post with the pics of this 2 little kids. Nothing much to write cause nothing much happened. A sentence for a friend of mine who's currently facing some personal issues. Well ignore the F*retard stuff around you, because you're still the awesome one. Think you're screw up? No, because you still surviving yet. Like i said, who cares? Cheers anyway :)
Signing off
Friday, March 18, 2011
Holla holla
Stayed home whole day as lesson and meeting have been canceled. My cough & sinus medicine really has it strong effect that can make me slept for 10 hours long. Although to some people 10 hours may not consider long, but to me, yes it is. Don't really sleep so long as it makes me even more sleepy when i woke up.
It's a 'politics' day! Sounds weird? Yeah i've got an assignment that all about politics and society which managed to kill all of us. Never realized that searching journals can be so irritating and annoying. Staring at my screen in the whole afternoon and yet didn't managed to get a single journal that is suitable for our topic. Well it's all bout reading & analyzing & also paraphrasing. How lifeless :( Meeting Xueliang for dinner @ Bugis junction at 18:30 in the afternoon, but it's only 16:00 now & my stomach started to ruled. Oh i need food :p
Went to Starbucks with Xue Liang after dinner. Never thought i would bump into so many psb people studying and struggling there. I didn't bring any books along with me though as it was a sudden decision to hang-out at Starbucks , sort of. If you ever dream of entering or studying in Newcastle, think twice before it's too late. Hmm, no...maybe twice is not enough, think thrice is better :) No joke. I got no idea why I'm such an 'anti-Newcastle'.
Anyway have a really wonderful girls-talk with her. We share almost everything, life, family, studies, and our loves one. It's thursday night, yeah one of my baby gaming night. Well didn't get to chat with him tonight before i go to bed but it's alright i still miss him though.
A hard night, lots to think.Take a look from the window, there is a lot to sigh about. I believed, tomorrow will be a better day.
Good night :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A simple day
Ahem yeah, i've done my access test pretty badly today. As you know, computer stuffs really sucks and i dislike it a lot lot >< Still i gotta forced myself to learn in order to get a pass :p
Went to Bugis with shu-garr to make a dinner reservation for his friend's birthday celebration. Initial plan was @ Foodforthoughts, the outlet that located near to Bugis. Unfortunately the place was already taken and was not available on the day that we want. Therefore we went to Caramel Cafe instead. I'm loving this cafe so much, adorable design they have :D Looking forward for their food & of course, not to forget dessert as well. *Yuppiee*
Gosh I've been having this fetish on the cake called 'scones'. Couldn't resist this tasty and delicious little thingy.
Blueberry scone from Coffee club =)
For dinner, we went to an American restaurant- Charlie Brown Cafe, located at 313 Somerset. Well it offers a distinctive mid-market food and beverages that was set in an unique sensitivity environment. I love their cute cartoons all over the wall and to me, it creates a refreshing experiences. I had my Turkey ham croissant and he had his baked rice :D Would rate the food as 8/10 :)
Blueberry scone from Coffee club =)
For dinner, we went to an American restaurant- Charlie Brown Cafe, located at 313 Somerset. Well it offers a distinctive mid-market food and beverages that was set in an unique sensitivity environment. I love their cute cartoons all over the wall and to me, it creates a refreshing experiences. I had my Turkey ham croissant and he had his baked rice :D Would rate the food as 8/10 :)
Cream of mushroom :p
Mini baked rice
After dinner, we went to Orchard Central to have our favourite dessert session, Ben & Jerry's ice-cream/ with brownies :D (Oh-so-sinful)
Taa-dahh !!! Here you go :)
We then went to roof garden that located on top of the building. Yes you're right, the place is fully featured with gorgeously landscape. The garden actually offers quite respite, yet breathtaking views of the scintillating cityscape. At the roof garden, there is also a selection of dining treasures, cocktails bars & lounges. We love the scenery and feels so cosy when the winds blew. It has been quite some time to have a nice chat with you, shu-garr. Yeah I made it today. Yes i'm loving it so much, talk to you when there is only you and me, respiring the same air, together. Although i'm kinda tired at the moment, especially with blisters on my foot, but I'm still happy to be with you, all the time. Hoping that we have more & more happy hour together.
Good night all :)
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